Consumers often see prices rise in areas where there’s only one provider, Yet many Americans continue to lack competitive home internet options. Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint have all the Hyped up home broadband as one of the many uses of 5G cellular network. The 5G seems to be offering a viable and speedy alternative to home internet solution.
Verizon first 5G network rollout focused on the home, while T-Mobile Ceo John Legere railed against “Big cable: while pitching regulators on his company’s $26.5 billion mergers with Sprint
Last October, Clayton Harris had Verizon technicians and executives, Including the CEO Hans Vestberg, descend on his home. The Houston based mechanical engineer was the first person in the country to get Verizon 5G home broadband network service, which the carrier touted as the first 5G network in the United States