Xfinity Mobile, a division of Comcast, has launched 5G service which operates on Verizon’s network. The Verizon 5G network is available in parts of 34 markets nationwide, and where it isn’t available, the service will use Verizon LTE or Comcast Wi-Fi infrastructure.
New plan options were launched in conjunction with the 5G announcement. Pricing starts as low as $15 per month for up to 1GB of data, and residential users have the option to sign up for unlimited service for $45 per month (although speeds are scaled back after 20GB are used).
Rui Costa, Senior Vice President of Innovation & Customer Value Propositions at Comcast Cable said this about the launch: “From day one, Xfinity Mobile has been proud to be the only provider to empower customers to design a mobile plan that fit their needs, as well as have the flexibility to seamlessly switch between unlimited or per gig to save money. We’re excited to now extend that benefit with 5G data plans.”