Thermal shutdowns affects Skylink user

starlink thermal shutdown

A Skylink customer named Brandon has posted a screenshot of the error message on Reddit. He contacted Starlink support, which told him, “Dishy will go into thermal shutdown at 122F and will restart when it reaches 104F.” Brandon decided to give the dish a little water to help with a cool down. He pointed a sprinkler at Dishy, and once it cooled enough to turn back on, “I immediately heard Video streaming resume playback,” Patrick wrote yesterday

Officially, SpaceX has said that “Dishy McFlatface” is certified to operate from 22° below zero up to 104° Fahrenheit. Temperatures reached about 120° yesterday in Brandon’s town of Topock, near Arizona’s border with California, he said. Though Dishy doesn’t go into thermal shutdown until it hits 122°, the dish can obviously get hotter than the air temperature.