In the true spirit of giving, orders exceeding $300 and featuring qualifying products will be treated to the gift of FREE 2-day FedEx Express shipping. In some cases, you may even enjoy the surprise of FREE Overnight shipping via FedEx Express (limited within 150 miles of our shipping location). Trust in the reliable network and exceptional service track record of FedEx Express, providing you with peace of mind as your packages are expertly handled and guaranteed to arrive promptly, just in time for the holiday festivities.

For those seeking smaller holiday delights such as cables, plugs, adapters, and other accessories, while free shipping may not be on the sleigh, fear not! Our heavily discounted shipping rates ensure that you can still enjoy the magic of receiving your items within 1 or 2 days, often at a cost lower than the traditional ground shipping options.
Amidst the joyous celebrations, our commitment to affordability remains unwavering. Our $4.99 flat rate for orders over $499 will continue to apply where applicable, offering an additional pocket-friendly shipping alternative. To unveil the enchanting promotional shipping rate, simply proceed to checkout and input your full address. Let the system work its festive magic, calculating the discounted shipping cost for your qualifying holiday products. At 5Gstore, we’re not just delivering packages – we’re delivering holiday cheer straight to your doorstep!