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Multiband Mag Mount Antenna 3 cables: Cellular, WiFi, GPS - MGW-311-3C3C2C-BLK-180

Multiband Mag Mount Antenna 3 cables: Cellular, WiFi, GPS

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Item Number: 15288
Model: MGW-311-3C3C2C-BLK-180
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The MGW-311 is a multiband mag mount antenna with GPS capabilities on the Global Cellular Network. It features three elements in one antenna radome. The radome measure at 4.2″ D x 3.2″ H (107 mm x 81 mm). The first element is for the Global Cellular Network. This Cellular element is extremely wide-banded and covers the following: 4G LTE, FirstNet at 700 MHz, 1.7 & 2.1 AWS Bands. The second element covers WiFi at 2.4 & 5 GHz. Finally, the third element covers GPS at 1575 MHz.

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