Helps protect an amplifier from power surges such as those caused by a lightning strike to an outside antenna. The protector is inserted inline between the outside antenna and the amplifier, and it must be adequately grounded by running a ground wire into the ground or concrete.
The protector does not connect directly to the amplifier or antenna. It can be installed at the "top" of the setup (outside, between the antenna and the coax cable) or at the "bottom" (between the coax cable and the amplifier). Either way, you will need a 2' "jumper" cable to connect the surge protector.
Option A (surge protector installed outside near the antenna):
antenna -> 2' cable -> surge protector -> cable -> amplifier
Option B (surge protector installed inside near the amplifier):
antenna -> cable -> surge protector -> 2' cable -> amplifier
This lightning protector is specifically for 75ohm systems. If you are using a standard 50ohm antenna or amplifier, you need the 859902 50ohm Lightning Protector instead.
This is the new 75ohm surge protector from Wilson - the old model, part #859988, is no longer available.