Ericsson and Huawei Both Test 5G NR at 2.6 GHz

5G deployments from Verizon and AT&T are based on millimeter wave frequencies, but both Ericsson and Huawei are currently testing non-standalone 5G New Radio standard on the 2.6GHz band.

“In the early stage of 5G network deployment, C-Band and 2.6 GHz are undoubtedly the most mainstream frequency bands, Yang Chaobin, president of Huawei’s 5G product line, said. “The industry chain of 2.6 GHz needs to be promoted together.”

Ericsson and Huawei are not alone in understanding that the higher frequencies will be important for 5G. Sprint is already deploying on the 2.5 GHz to bolster its LTE network while they prep for their 5G launch.

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Verizon and John Deere Excite CES Guests of 5G Plans

5G was a hot topic at CES last week, and two of the biggest companies showing off 5G tech were Verizon and John Deere.  Verizon grew a large crowd talking about the benefits of 5g technology. The CEO discussed the “Eight Currencies,” including speed and throughput, mobility, connected devices and IoT, energy efficiency and service deployment, and latency and reliability. John Deere says this new technology will help farmers improve crop yields and reduce the use of herbicides, through the automatic adjustment of farming equipment.  5G has already shown how fast it could be and everyone, including us, is eager to see how it works across different use cases.

Samsung Shows off Prototype 5G Phone at CES

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5G is a hot topic already in 2019,  but surprisingly Samsung was the only manufacturer to debut a 5G-capable smartphone at CES in Las Vegas last week. Samsung showed off their 5G-capable prototype from within a locked glass case, and president and CEO Kim Hyun-suk said it would be available in 2019. No other details were given about the phone, but it looks similar to their Galaxy S10 and will likely share many of the features of other Galaxy models.


Sprint President Points Out that AT&T 5G is not True 5G

In an interview with Yahoo at CES last week, Sprint president of Business Jan Geldmacher expressed his irritation at AT&T’s decision to market their upgraded LTE network as “5G E”. “They call it 5G, but we believe it’s not 5G. We roll out the real 5G. It’s based on our 2.5 gigahertz spectrum. It’s based on our massive mine of technology, and it’s compliant with the 5G [rules], which we have agreed to.”

Geldmacher is correct that customers seeing the new “5G E” indicator on their AT&T phone are not actually connecting to a true 5G network. There are currently no 5G phones available, and Sprint also announced at CES that they plan to launch the first real 5G-enabled smartphone, a device from LG, in 2019.

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SureCall Introduces Force8 5G Cellular Signal Booster

FREMONT, Calif., Jan. 7, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Special to CES SureCall, the performance leading cell phone signal booster manufacturer, today announced the Force8, the industry’s first 5G signal booster. Available in Q2 of 2019, the Force8 will give users increased 5G connectivity for commercial buildings in urban, suburban, and rural areas across the United States.

Force8 is engineered to strengthen and improve non-millimeter wave 5G cellular signals for the T-Mobile 600 MHz band and the AT&T 2.3 GHz mid-band signals. Additionally, Force8 will boost cellular service for all US carriers’ 3G and 4G LTE signals, including the AWS-3 and Sprint 800 MHz bands, a portion of the radiofrequency (RF) spectrum that will continue to keep cellular customers connected even after 5G is able to provide full national coverage.

“Reports predict that 90-percent of buildings will not have cell service for the 5G network due to the inability of the high-frequency RF signals to penetrate structures and material. Because of this, there is a huge need to bring affordable 5G connectivity into commercial buildings,” said Hongtao Zhan, SureCall’s founder and CEO. “SureCall is committed to solving this by architecting solutions that will create a 5G future with reliable coverage. Force8 represents a significant first step toward supporting a successful deployment of the 5G network.”

Pricing for the Force8 starts at $6999, depending on application size and scope of the installation. Force8 requires carrier approval and must be installed by a professional integrator in any commercial building.

About SureCall
Founded in 2001, SureCall is the multi-patented, award-winning performance leader for cell phone signal boosters. Combining top-quality materials, powerfully innovative product designs, and industry-leading service and support, SureCall has given mobile device users access to reliable cellular signals in homes, offices, and cars. Major institutions like NASA, Stanford, Duke, Kaiser Permanente and many others in the oil and gas, hospitality, automotive, and technology industries trust SureCall’s FCC-approved boosters to connect them in the extremes and everywhere in between.

Learn more about SureCall and its entire line of cell phone signal boosters at

Media Contact
For SureCall:
Mandi West
(801) 461-9793


Study Shows Americans Expectations for 5G

A survey from HarrisX, commissioned by T-Mobile, shows that more than half of Americans are aware of 5G and excited for what it will offer – even though most Americans do not have access to 5G yet. Respondents who were aware of 5G have high expectations for it, with 90% believing it will be better than LTE, and 64% expecting it to be widely available by the year 2020.

“Consumer sentiment around tech innovation and 5G in particular is widely positive, with big expectations for impact on job creation, business, various facets of people’s personal lives like healthcare management in the near future,” said Dritan Nesho, chief researcher and CEO of HarrisX, in a statement. “Expectations are high, with over two in three Americans believing 5G will become a reality by 2020, which will require significant investment by the public and private sector to get there.”

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Georgia Senators Pursue Regulations to Promote 5G Development

A Georgia Senate study committee voted unanimously last week to pursue statewide regulations related to where and how cellphone companies can install their equipment. The goal of the regulations is to promote 5G wireless development in the state by giving cell carriers access to public rights of way to install their cell equipment as long as they comply with statewide standards for pole height, permitting fees and equipment sizes. “We hope that we can get broadband smeared all over Georgia at a much faster rate,” said state Sen. Frank Ginn, the chairman of the Senate Advanced Communications Technologies and Use of State and Local Government Right of Way Policy Modernization Committee.

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AT&T 5G Now Live in Atlanta, Charlotte, and 10 Other Cities

December 21 was a big day for AT&T, as they turned on their mobile 5G service in 12 cities in the US: Atlanta, Charlotte, Raleigh, Dallas, Houston, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, Louisville, Oklahoma City, New Orleans, San Antonio, and Waco. AT&T subscribers in those markets can now take advantage of the super fast speeds of 5G – but only via the 5G-capable Netgear Nighthawk 5G Mobile Hotspot, currently the only 5G-capable device available to use with the service. Furthermore, interested users can’t sign up online or in store like they can for AT&T’s other services – prospective customers must start at AT&T’s 5G site (there is one for business users and one for consumers).

2019 should bring 5G to a wider audience as well as more devices to use with it (Samsung is planning a 5G Galaxy Smartphone, and others will surely follow).


AT&T Upgrading Phones to 5G E, Not to be Confused With Real 5G

AT&T has been upgrading their LTE network, and in an arguably misleading move, AT&T will begin showing “5G E” on LTE phones in areas that use the upgraded LTE services. This service is NOT true 5G service – it is a faster, upgraded 4G LTE service – but AT&T is calling it “5G Evolution.”

“If they have one of the latest Android devices and it connects to a tower that’s enabled with 5G Evolution, they’ll soon see a “5G E” indicator pop up on their screen,” an AT&T spokesperson wrote in response to questions from FierceWireless. “Initially we’ll roll this out on a handful of devices, with more devices showing the indicator in spring 2019.”

While the service is faster than LTE, it is not 5G and this could be very confusing for customers.

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T-Mobile and Sprint Get Closer to Merger

Sprint and T-Mobile got one step closer on their journey towards merging, with approval coming in from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States on Monday. This committee is a government panel that reviews deals involving foreign investors and is an important step for the two carriers to clear.

There are still other regulators that must approve the deal, but requests from the US Departments of Justice, Homeland Security and Defense to delay the deal have been withdrawn, another victory for the merger. “We are pleased to achieve both of these important milestones in the journey to build the New T-Mobile,” CEO John Legere said in a statement.