The Factors Impacting Your 5G Bandwidth Speeds

The dawn of 5G promised lightning-fast internet speeds, heralding a new era of connectivity. However, the reality often falls short of these lofty expectations, leaving many users frustrated and wondering why their 5G speeds are not as blazing fast as advertised. Several factors can affect your 5G bandwidth speeds, ranging from technical limitations to network congestion. Let’s delve into some key points to understand what could be influencing your 5G experience.

Frequency Band(s) Your Modem or Phone is Connected To

One of the primary determinants of your 5G bandwidth speed is the frequency band your device is connected to. 5G operates across three main frequency bands: low, mid, and high. Each band has its advantages and limitations. Low-band 5G offers wider coverage but relatively modest speed enhancements compared to existing 4G LTE networks. Mid-band 5G strikes a balance between coverage and speed, providing faster speeds than low-band but with middling coverage. High-band, also known as mmWave, offers the highest speeds but suffers from limited coverage and poor penetration through obstacles. Therefore, your proximity to a cell tower and the band it employs can significantly impact your 5G speeds.

Limitations of Your Modem or Phone

The capabilities of your modem or phone play a crucial role in determining the speeds you can achieve. Different devices support different frequency bands, and their performance may vary accordingly. For instance, a device equipped with support for high-band frequencies will likely achieve faster speeds in areas where high-band 5G is available compared to a device limited to low-band frequencies. Upgrading to newer devices that support a wider range of frequency bands can potentially enhance your 5G experience.

User Load at the Cell Tower

Network congestion is another key factor that can affect 5G bandwidth speeds. If too many users are connected to the same cell tower simultaneously, it can lead to decreased speeds for everyone. During peak hours or in densely populated areas, the demand for bandwidth may exceed the capacity of the cell tower, resulting in slower speeds for users. Network operators are continuously expanding infrastructure and optimizing networks to mitigate congestion, but it remains a persistent challenge in densely populated areas.

Limitations on Your Data Plan

Even if your device and the network infrastructure are capable of delivering high-speed 5G connectivity, your data plan may impose limitations. Some data plans throttle speeds after reaching a certain threshold of data usage, while others prioritize certain types of traffic, such as video streaming or gaming, which can impact overall bandwidth speeds. Understanding the terms and conditions of your data plan and choosing an appropriate plan that aligns with your usage patterns is essential for maximizing your 5G experience.

The Speed of Your WiFi or Ethernet Adapter

Lastly, the speed of your WiFi or Ethernet adapter can affect the performance of your 5G connection, especially when using a home or office network. Even if you have a fast 5G connection, a slow WiFi router or Ethernet adapter can become a bottleneck, limiting the speeds you can achieve on your devices. Upgrading to newer networking equipment capable of handling higher speeds can help unleash the full potential of your 5G connection.

As you can see, achieving optimal 5G bandwidth speeds involves a combination of factors. This includes the frequency band your device is connected to, the capabilities of your device, network congestion, data plan limitations, and the speed of your networking equipment. By understanding these factors and taking appropriate measures, users can enhance their 5G experience and unlock the full potential of next-generation connectivity.

5G and Telecommunications: How 5G is Reshaping the Industry

Technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace. The emergence of 5G stands out as a pivotal moment in the evolution of connectivity and has fundamentally transformed the telecommunications industry in ways that would have been science fiction a few decades ago. This fifth-generation wireless technology has swiftly become a driving force behind a new era of communication, ushering in capabilities and possibilities that were once deemed beyond reach. Exploring the manifold ways in which 5G is revolutionizing the telecommunications sector unveils a landscape where speed, efficiency, and connectivity converge to redefine the boundaries of what is achievable in our increasingly interconnected world.

What is 5G Technology?

5G is the new global wireless standard. It delivers higher multi-Gbps peak data speeds, improving performance and network efficiency. With a theoretical peak speed of 20 Gbps (4G’s peak speed is only 1 Gbps, making 5G nearly 200 times faster), users will experience faster downloads, more responsive and reliable online experiences, and smoother streaming on devices. 5G consists of three types of frequencies: high-band, mid-band, and low-band

  1. High-band frequencies, such as millimeter wave (mmWave), offer greater bandwidths. This helps carry more data into dense, urban areas; however, these frequencies require nearby cell sites because of their limited ability to penetrate through buildings.
  2. Mid-band provides broader coverage than high-band and is less impacted by buildings.
  3. Low-band (such as the 600MHz spectrum) travels farther and can penetrate more obstacles.

Unprecedented Speeds and Low Latency

One of the key features of 5G is its remarkable speed and low latency. Latency describes the delay that occurs when a computer network processes data and information. With data transfer rates up to 100 times faster than its 4G predecessor, users can now download large files, stream high-definition videos, and engage in real-time applications quickly. This enhanced speed and reduced latency open up new possibilities for various industries, including healthcare, education, and entertainment.

Enabling Internet of Things (IoT)

5G is the linchpin for the widespread implementation of Internet of Things (IoT). IoT devices have software, sensors, and other technologies that allow them to connect with and exchange data with other devices and systems. 5G’s ability to connect a massive number of devices simultaneously with minimal latency makes it the ideal infrastructure for smart cities, autonomous vehicles, security systems, and various other IoT applications. From smart homes to industrial automation, 5G’s robust connectivity is laying the foundation for a more interconnected world.

Empowering Remote Work and Collaboration

The global shift toward remote work was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. 5G has been playing a pivotal role in enabling seamless communication and collaboration. With high-speed internet access and low latency, remote teams can engage in video conferencing, share large files, and collaborate on projects in real-time, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

Enhanced Mobile Experiences

The consumer experience has been elevated to new heights with 5G. Streaming high-quality content, immersive augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) applications are becoming more prevalent. These applications provide users with a more engaging and dynamic mobile experience. As 5G infrastructure continues to expand globally, these enhancements are becoming accessible to a broader audience.

Revolutionizing Healthcare

In the healthcare sector, 5G is proving to be a game-changer. The technology enables the rapid transmission of medical data, facilitating telemedicine and remote patient monitoring. Surgeons can perform remote surgeries with precision. Medical professionals can access and analyze patient data in real-time, leading to more efficient and responsive healthcare systems.

Infrastructure and Economic Impacts

The deployment of 5G networks requires significant infrastructure investments, stimulating economic growth and job creation. Governments and telecommunications companies worldwide are racing to build the necessary infrastructure to support 5G, creating a ripple effect in related industries such as manufacturing, construction, and technology development.

5G and Edge Computing

The synergy between 5G and edge computing is transforming the way data is processed and handled. By bringing computing power closer to the source of data generation, edge computing reduces latency even further, making it an integral component of the 5G ecosystem. This combination is paving the way for innovative applications, such as real-time analytics, autonomous systems, and responsive smart technologies.

Cybersecurity in the 5G Era

As 5G networks become more prevalent, the need for robust cybersecurity measures becomes paramount. The increased connectivity and the sheer volume of devices connected to the network create larger attack surfaces with vulnerabilities. Exploring the advancements in cybersecurity protocols and technologies becomes crucial to safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring the integrity of communications in the 5G era.

Future Trends and Innovations

The advent of 5G technology marks a pivotal moment, propelling the telecommunications industry into a future shaped by unprecedented connectivity. As we look ahead, the extraordinary speed, minimal latency, and expansive capabilities of 5G are poised to fuel an era of continual innovation and transformative trends. From evolving IoT to redefining healthcare and reshaping work dynamics, 5G is set to be a dynamic force inspiring novel applications and cutting-edge solutions.

Governments and industry leaders are on the cusp of ushering in a new wave of economic growth through extensive infrastructure investments, creating job opportunities and driving technological advancement. However, as we venture into this future, navigating challenges related to cybersecurity, data privacy, and sustainable energy consumption will be crucial. Embracing these future trends while addressing potential concerns will be the key to unlocking the full potential of 5G and ensuring its seamless integration into our evolving digital landscape.

What Frequency Bands Does 5G Use?

If you’re in the market for a 5G cellular modem or router, you may want to consider its supported frequency bands. There are three types of 5G. Sub-6 (also called FR1) refers to low band frequencies below 6GHz, and mmWave (also called FR2) refers to frequencies over 24GHz. You also have mid band, or the C-band, which covers 4GHz to 8GHz. However, carriers are more focused on the range of 3.7 to 4.2GHz.

When 5G was initially rolled out, it used Sub-6 5G that stayed mainly below the 2GHz range. These frequencies were already used by 4G/LTE and even older 3G networks, so carriers had the necessary licenses to use them. This made it quick and easy for AT&T and T-Mobile to roll out 5G on top of their existing networks.

To this day, the most widely available 5G service in the U.S. is running on low band frequencies. Not only because it was the first service available, but because it covers the most distance. The downside is that in a lot of cases, the connection is only as good as LTE. 

C-band is the next best for 5G. While the distance it covers is not as much as Sub-6, it does offer a better 5G experience. In comparison, mmWave runs off the higher frequencies so it does not travel as far. This however, is the truest version of 5G with its significantly faster speeds, lower latency, and high reliability. 

Here’s a breakdown of the bands to look out for in the device specifications:

Sub-6/ 5G NR: n1, n2, n3, n5, n7, n12, n20, n25, n28, n38, n40, n41, n46, n48, n66, n71, n77, n78, n79, n83

C-band: n77, n78, n79

mmWave: n257, n258, n259, n260, n261

Due to its availability, a majority of the 5G products we carry will only support Sub-6/ NR (New Radio) bands. There are a handful that will also support all C-band frequencies. To check those out, see below.

Should you be lucky enough to have mmWave coverage in your location, stay tuned for the Cradlepoint W4005

To Be, or Not to Be 5G…

That is the question indeed, on many of our minds! Much like the confusion around AT&T and T-Mobile’s 4G HSPA+ – an update to 3G, but not quite comparable to LTE performance – carriers are leading customers to believe they’ll be getting all that 5G service has been promising – faster speeds and lower latency. However, that’s not quite the case. 5G operates on many different bands, some of which are simply repurposed from LTE. This makes it typically better than LTE, but not quite at the level of 5G (or at least our perceptions of what it should be). 

So what about the coverage maps showing 5G service? And your phone says 5G sometimes, right? Here’s what that can mean…

  • 5G running on Low Band spectrum is the slowest, but it has the advantage of considerable range
  • Mid-band can’t travel as far, but is faster
  • High Band spectrum, which is sparsely available, may travel only a mile but is by far the fastest.

An analysis done by OpenSignal released last week found that their testers connected with T-Mobile 5G just 34.7% of the time, AT&T 16.4% of the time and Verizon just 9.7%. And that’s generally not for the fastest 5G service.

In comparison, the numbers shown have quite a significant difference to what the carriers promise about 5G in their advertisements. This just goes to show you that not everything advertised is in fact true. Carriers admit they are still working on their 5G networks and that there is quite a bit of “dishonesty in advertising.” Still, we can see in the fine print how they manage to get away with it. Though, you wonder for how long? 

National Advertising Division – a division of the independent non-profit organization BBB National Program – has criticized claims made about 5G by all three of the companies. “5G right now is (in) the fake it until you make it stage,” said Harold Feld, of advocacy group Public Knowledge which promotes affordable communication, adding that when new technology is developed, advertising often gets ahead of actual deployment.

For more on this story, head to the Washington Post.

How Does 5G Work?

5G is the fifth generation in cellular networks, but there are many layers to consider as we start to become immersed in this new technology. Using a different type of encoding than 4G LTE service, 5G is designed for much lower latency and greater flexibility. Its method for dispersing signals is almost spider web like in the way the infrastructure is set up. A system of cell sites are divided amongst different territories and send encoded data through radio waves. These cells are connected to the network backbone and can change size and shape as network capacity requires. This only adds to the complexity of maintaining LTE. 

As you may have seen just about anywhere, 5G coverage is not very expansive at this time. The industry is fixated on that, as well as increasing capacity (ideally by 4x over current networks). Accomplishing this will require leveraging new frequencies and antenna technologies. Believe it or not, but in addition to more coverage and capacity, there’s buzz about speeds up to 20Gbps and latency as low as 1ms! We’ll just wait and see.

Now with all the different names 5G has picked up over the last year, it’s important to know that not all 5G is created equal! There’s low band, middle band, and high band. If you’ve noticed different “Cat” versions of LTE modems, you’ve seen some support more frequencies than others (i.e. Cat 12 supports more than 6 and Cat 18 supports more than 12). 5G works similarly, and can run on the same bands as LTE, but as it is set on a range of airwaves – low, middle, and high. It’s also much like LTE band aggregation, which allows the cellular modem to connect to the cellular network using multiple frequency bands. The wider channels and range of frequencies 5G can operate over gives it the advantage. 

When it comes to low, middle, and high, it’s all about how many channels you can use when connecting, and the frequency at which they’re operating on. More channels won’t always mean more bandwidth in this case. Since 5G has the flexibility to work on any band, carriers can share those from 4G – this is known as dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS). This is how Verizon is able to say they have “nationwide” 5G. It’s just reusing some old LTE spectrum.

Low-band 5G operates in frequencies below 2GHz. While the coverage is great, the channels aren’t very wide and some are primarily for 4G, which makes this type slow.

Mid-band 5G is in the 2–10GHz range. These networks have decent range and because of that, it will likely be the one to carry the most traffic. T-Mobile’s “ultra capacity” 5G network runs on this mid-band, as well as low band at this time. AT&T and Verizon just bought into some spectrum here also, which they’ll likely start rolling out in late 2022.

High-band 5G, or millimeter-wave, is the newest and quite a bit faster than LTE. This is a range of spectrum that has never been used in the consumer market before. It’s very short range, but it can get to speeds over 3Gbps. This is what Verizon uses for their “ultra wideband” 5G network. AT&T and T-Mobile also have some high-band, but there hasn’t been much information about this.

For even more technical details about the differences in 5G, as well as application examples, check out the source article from PC Magazine.