Cutting the Cable – Switching from Cable Internet to Cellular 5G

90 Days in: An Update After about 90 days of living off 5G Internet service, I am more than pleased with the experience. Have I had any issues? I’d be lying if I said no, but thankfully they’ve been minor. Things like buffering video and choppy audio on voice over IP (VoIP) calls. Regardless of […]

How Much Data Do I Need for My Business?

You may already know that streaming video eats up a lot of data, but what about the important applications you use for business? In this article, we’re going to address some common application types and look at how much data and bandwidth they will require.  VoIP Like most things, the higher the quality of the […]

AT&T Offers New Unlimited Data Plans and Discounts, Only at Walmart

AT&T is now offering a new data plan, as well as discounts on existing plans and new phones. The new data plan, called “Unlimited Max,” is a prepaid plan that is available only at Walmart. It comes with unlimited high-speed 5G data, available HD streaming, unlimited talk and text, unlimited text from the U.S. to […]