Prevent Data Usage Overage Charges with a Secondary Internet Service

Did you know that cable Internet service providers can limit your data usage or charge you for overages, similar to cellular providers? It’s true! Providers like Xfinity, for example, have plans that allow for up to 1.2 TB of data. When you get close to this limit, they will notify you with an email. This […]

The Benefits of Automated, Periodic Speed Tests on Routers

Maintaining optimal performance of Wide Area Network (WAN) connections is crucial for both personal and business activities. With the multitude of factors affecting your WAN performance, having something in place to test the connection could provide a great deal of help. Automated, periodic speed tests, for example, can play a vital role in ensuring that […]

Beware of Comcast Data Caps

When it comes to data limits, the first thing that may come to mind is cellular data plans. Not many of us consider the amount of data we’re using on our home Internet services like cable or DSL. However, Comcast has actually been one of the leaders in the use of data caps, charging as […]

How Much Data Do I Need for My Business?

You may already know that streaming video eats up a lot of data, but what about the important applications you use for business? In this article, we’re going to address some common application types and look at how much data and bandwidth they will require.  VoIP Like most things, the higher the quality of the […]

5G Increases Overall Data Usage

As cellular technologies grow, so does our need for content and therefore, our consumption of data. According to a recent report from Ericsson, average mobile data usage is over 10GB per month. Ericsson attributes this increase by only two factors.  Mobile data is more readily available and since most users are on cell phones usage […]