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Peplink MAX BR1 Pro 5G | Cat 20 LTE-A | x62 Chipset | Wi-Fi 6 - MAX-BR1-PRO-5GN-T-PRM

Peplink MAX BR1 Pro 5G | Cat 20 LTE-A | x62 Chipset | Wi-Fi 6

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Item Number: 13457
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Peplink offers One-Year Primecare standard with the purchase of a primecare device(model ends in -PRM). PrimeCare can be renewed and includes IC2, Warranty, FusionHub license, and SpeedFusion Bonding. To continue after the 1-year that comes with your device, PrimeCare subscription is required. Peplink also offers an Advanced Feature Pack that includes a software license key for Advanced Car-Fi Roaming and SpeedFusion/IPSec X.509 Certification Support.
Optional Warranties/Licenses: - details
Peplink provides a variety of add ons to fit your needs that are recommended for pairing up with the MAX BR1 Pro 5G - have questions, just ask! We are happy to help you determine what will best fit your needs.
Optional Accessories: - details

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Date Added: 12/20/2023 by Brady B. (Saint Petersburg, FL)
** Starlink Killer **

I migrated from an LTE router (CradlePoint IBR600C) with a Waveform 2x2 MIMO antenna to a 5G router (Pepwave Max BR1 Pro 5g - x62 version) paired with a Waveform 4x4 MIMO antenna.

ATT (the furthest tower) went from 10-20 Mbps download to 50 Mbps download.
Verizon (the closes tower) went from 30-40 Mbps download to 60-70Mbps download.
I replaced the Verizon plan with a T-Mobile plan (same tower as VZW) and am now getting 200-300Mbs download!

AND there’s no Starlink “obstructions” that pause the connection!

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