After successful tests back in May, T-Mobile announced on Tuesday that it has deployed four-carrier aggregation for customers. This boosts speeds on its 5G standalone (SA) network. The carrier says the speeds are “insanely fast,” which according to them, means up to 3.3Gbps! While it is only available in parts of the U.S. now, it […]
Category: 5G
Breaking Down Internet Speed Tests
The internet has become an integral part of modern life, enabling seamless communication, entertainment, and access to information. However, the quality of our online experiences greatly depends on the speed and reliability of our internet connection. Internet speed tests are essential tools that allow users to measure the performance of their internet connections accurately. In […]
A Guide to Understanding VPN
Online privacy and security are of utmost concern these days. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have emerged as a popular solution for protecting internet users. But what exactly is a VPN, and how does it benefit users in various scenarios? This article looks at what VPNs are, highlights their advantages, and explores common use cases for […]
CBRS: Revolutionizing Wireless Communication with Shared Spectrum
In the ever-evolving world of wireless communication, the demand for faster, more reliable, and ubiquitous connectivity continues to rise. To address this need, the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) has emerged as a private networking solution. It leverages shared spectrum to optimize wireless networks and empower various industries. This article delves into the CBRS framework, […]
What You Should Know About Private 4G LTE and 5G Networks
Connectivity has become the lifeblood of modern enterprises. With the exponential growth of data-driven technologies, businesses are seeking reliable and high-performing networking solutions that can meet their evolving demands. Enter private cellular networking – a game-changing innovation that promises to revolutionize enterprise connectivity. In private cellular networking, one common requirement across all enterprise deployments is […]
Revolutionizing Connectivity: The Power of Edge Computing
In our everyday lives data is generated at an unprecedented rate. Traditional cloud computing infrastructure is facing challenges in meeting the demands of real-time applications. Enter edge computing, a groundbreaking paradigm that promises to reshape the way we process and analyze data. By bringing computation and storage capabilities closer to the data source, edge computing […]
Exploring Port Forwarding
To comprehend port forwarding, you must first grasp the basics of how data flows across the internet. Every device connected to the internet, be it a computer, smartphone, or server, has an Internet Protocol (IP) address assigned to it. This unique numerical identifier serves as the device’s “address” on the internet, allowing it to send […]
What is VLAN Tagging and How is it Used?
VLAN tagging, sometimes referred to as Ethernet tagging, is a mechanism used in computer networks. It identifies and segregates network traffic into different virtual local area networks (VLANs). By implementing tagging, network administrators can efficiently manage and control network traffic, improve security, and optimize network performance. In this article, we will delve into the concepts […]
Comparing Warranties on Common 4G and 5G Routers
There are many factors to consider when selecting a 4G or 5G cellular router. Things like the carrier and frequency band support as well as its hardware and software features are all important. Something else you may not immediately look at is the warranty options. What does the warranty include? Are you losing anything if […]
7 Tips for Ensuring a Secure Internet Connection
The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, do business, and access information. However, the internet is also a hub of malicious activities, making it imperative to ensure a secure internet connection. Whether you are browsing the web, conducting online transactions, or accessing sensitive data, securing your internet connection is crucial. Let’s take a look […]